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OACUHO and Government Relations & Advocacy

OACUHO aims to cultivate connections and grow the profession of campus housing. We are a not-for-profit organization which attaches great importance to support all facets of University and College housing operations, student success and the academic mission of the institutions in which each member serves.

Given the increasingly complex world we live in and the impact of national and global affairs on the state of student housing in Canada, we understand that OACUHO plays a role in advocating for our members on topics and decisions that may impact them. Examples of this work in the past include: the Value of Living and Learning in Residence, RTA exemption and representing members on COU committees regarding the legalization of marijuana and service animals on campus. The impacts of COVID-19 provides a recent example where the Board of Directors would benefit from more clarity on when the association should advocate to support its members.

The goal is to generate a list of issues where advocacy is required. The examples below are but a few initiatives where the Board has lobbied on behalf of the membership. 


Issues OACUHO Can Help Address

  • Legislation - Residential Tenancies Act exemption
  • Bill 148; COVID government guidelines for university housing
  • Service animals in residence

We are calling on members who are interested in supporting OACUHO in this work, by establishing an ad hoc committee that will help identify recent changes in legislation, or decisions that could impact members' work or may be of interest for OACUHO. Our hope is that this committee includes a range of members with different perspectives and knowledge, and hope to include a  few senior members who have a history with the association, and a vested interest or experience in advocacy work such as this.


If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please complete this form by March 26, 2021. For more information on this initiative or any questions you have, please email info@oacuho.com.