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Conferences > Winter Residence Student Staff Conference > Schedule


To view a complete schedule with session descriptions and presenter biographies, visit https://site.pheedloop.com/event/oacuhowinterconference2025/schedule 


8:00 AM - 8:45 AM          Registration       

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM          Welcome & Networking Icebreaker          

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM          JP Judges Meeting - Select Pro Staff Only

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM        Transition Travel Break                  




#1 - Reserved Roots and Thriving Branches: Embracing Quiet Leadership

Speaker: Ana Divarzak - University of Toronto Mississauga


#2 - Transforming Spaces, Changing Lives: The Power of GBV Frameworks in Residence Life

Speaker: Katelyn Weinstein - University of Guelph


#3 - Res(ilient) Advisors: Building Strength for Yourself and Your Residents


Rana Behzadi- University of Toronto Scarborough

Theresa Lin - University of Toronto Scarborough


#4 - Make the First 90 Days About Connections, Not Correction

Speaker: Griffin St. George - Wilfrid Laurier University


#5 - Decolonize Your Programs!

Speaker: Sophia Bahadoor - Western University



10:50 AM - 11:00 AM     Light Refreshments & Transition Travel Break





#6 - From Fixed to Flourishing: Cultivating Growth Mindsets in University

Speaker: Ramani Deb - Wilfrid Laurier University


#7 - Growing Resilience: Harnessing Urban Gardening to Cultivate Interactive Communities Through Empowerment, Participation, and Strengths Perspective (EPS) Model

February 22, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Speaker: Syd Veurtjes - Carleton University


#8 - The Eras Tour: Western's Version

Speaker: Andrew Leclerc - Western University


#9 - Fostering Equity and a Sense of Belonging Through Diversity and Understanding


Jada Allison - Wilfrid Laurier University

Jaskirat Virdi - Wilfrid Laurier University


#10 - Breaking the Iceberg: Gamification for Residence Life Engagement

Speaker: Alexandra Lodmal - University of Toronto Mississauga



12:00 PM - 1:20 PM        Lunch



1:20 PM - 1:30 PM           Transition Travel Break



1:30 PM - 2:20 PM           CONCURRENT SESSIONS


#11 - Floor to Fork: Recipes from Residence

Speaker: Samantha Batte - Western University


#12 - Sustainability Stories; Sharing a Collective Memory of Sustainability in Residence


Bethany Poltl - United College at the University of Waterloo

Ben Bogias - United College at the University of Waterloo


#13 - Beyond Burnout: Understanding and Overcoming Anhedonia in Student Leadership

Speaker: Kenny Shao - Western University


#14 - Foundations of Growth: Leveraging Residence Life Skills for International and Marginalized Student Success


Gladys Elizabeth Angela Dames - Carleton University

Sneha Negi - Carleton University


#15 - Thriving Together: Supporting Mental Health and Neurodivergence in Residence


Gabby Salter - University of Guelph

Dustin Neal - University of Guelph



2:20 PM - 2:30 PM           Transition Travel Break



2:30 PM - 3:20 PM           CONCURRENT SESSIONS


#16 - Implementing Sustainability Initiatives in Residence Life to Promote Environmental Awareness and Engagement

Speaker: Tochukwu Daniel Oguejifor - Brock University


#17 - Play Nice in Res Life


Emma Dart - Carleton University

Rey Duff - Carleton University


#18 - Emotions on the Edge: Inside Out Strategies to Beat Burnout!

Speaker: Cindy Ly - Western University


#19 - ? - Just a "?" Mark


Afnan Shan - Wilfrid Laurier University

Jackson Hood - Wilfrid Laurier University


#20 - Into the Spider-Verse of Residence Education: Supporting First-Year Students Through the Hero's Journey

Speaker: Angelina Siew - University of Toronto Mississauga



3:20 PM - 3:45 PM           Transition Travel Break


3:45 PM - 4:15 PM           JP Judges Meeting - Select Pro Staff Only


3:45 PM - 5:00 PM           Networking Reception & JP Award Winner