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Conferences > Fall Conference: UTM 2024 > Learning Experiences

The University of Toronto Mississauga is excited to welcome you all to our campus for the 2024 OACUHO Fall Conference on October 30, 2024. As noted at the Annual General Meeting in June, UTM is thrilled to take a unique approach to the Fall Conference experience. 

In lieu of the traditional range of learning experiences, we are working to develop a unique schedule that incorporates Showcase Learning Experiences. These Showcases are an opportunity for institutions to highlight the remarkable work they are doing.  

If you’ve recently made innovations or changes, gained valuable insights, or provided exceptional experiences for staff or students in your housing department, we encourage you to submit a proposal to share your knowledge! We hope that you and your colleagues can showcase your wonderful work and consider submitting a proposal for Fall Conference 2024. Our goal is to have diverse representation of all functional areas in housing. 

Members interested in presenting a Fall Conference Showcase are encouraged to submit a proposal here. The deadline to submit a proposal is August 16th, 2024, at 12 PM (noon) EDT.  

Should you have any questions, please reach out to our team at shrlconferences.utm@utoronto.ca


Our team looks forward to seeing your contributions to the conference.