Residence Life Conference 2021
9:00 AM Nov 19 - 5:00 PM Nov 21, 2021
UTM Student Housing & Residence Life is excited to host OACUHO student staff at the first ever virtual Residence Life Conference (RLC) set to take place November 19-21, 2021. We are excited to announce the Residence Life Conference 2021 theme of Onward Together.
This theme fundamentally is meant to represent growth as a collective. In our theme brainstorming, visions of flowers blooming were a reoccurring image. Flowers can bloom in even the harshest of climates and bloom to create something beautiful. We choose a daisy because they can be known to symbolize new beginnings. A petal has been broken off to symbolize the “stop in time” we experienced during the pandemic. Even though the flower has a broken off the petal, the flower still looks complete and beautiful.
Registration Deadline
November 8th – Delegate Registration Closes (including selection of Julianne Pettigrew judges)
For questions, concerns or information, please email
Registration Limits
- Institutions with 1-29 Residence Life Staff members may register up to 4 delegates
- Institutions with 30-60 Residence Life Staff members may register up to 6 delegates
- Institutions with 61-99 Residence Life Staff members may register up to 8 delegates
- Institutions with over 100 Residence Life Staff members may register up to 10 delegates
*Each institution will be permitted to register 1-2 professional staff delegates in addition to the above listed numbers*